Loving Lazaroo
“I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.”
(2 Corinthians 7:4)
Ashley Risinger Says:
Lazaroo is just about the most amazing concept I have ever seen. I absolutely love it. I am deeply, seriously excited about Lazaroo. The concept is revolutionary–it’s going to change the way people approach their one on one time with Jesus forever.
It’s exactly the shot in the arm that my generation needed. We’re fast-paced people! We like our cars fast, our internet fast, our TV full of exciting camera cuts and fast-paced dialogue, and we have coffee practically infused into our veins with an IV drip. This is the perfect take on a daily devotional for us.
At first, I was skeptical. How on EARTH is one minute going to keep me going for an entire day?! So I tried it Monday morning. I got up, and instead of checking my Facebook first thing that morning, I checked the Lazaroo website. I read that day’s post, got my coffee, and got in the shower. And as I was fixing my hair, and brushing my teeth, and putting on my makeup, and going about my day as usual, it just stuck with me. All day long, like this little super-glue covered nugget of wisdom that had embedded itself into my brain.
The beautiful part of it was, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to know. The deeper I wanted to go. So I did! I still don’t have much more than five minutes to spend on Lazaroo in the morning. I like sleep too much, and any more than five minutes will put me late for work. But throughout my day, I keep going back to it. On my breaks, at lunch, when I get home…it burns in my thoughts until I can devour more of it.
Sometimes, all we need is an appetizer to get us ready for the real food. Just a taste–just enough to get our juices flowing–and BAM, we can’t get enough.
Brent Says:
I am loving the Lazaroo idea. Thank you for spurring us along to that deeper and truly intimate relationship with THE Almighty! God is definitely using Lazaroo to speak to me. I need this and am committing to this!
April Says:
WOW!! AND this is just the BEGINNING!
Jeff Says:
There is a synergy there that helps me feel connected at a personal level. Thanks for that. I have really enjoyed this.
jennie jackson Says:
“…the only thing You want from me is what i truly want to give…” should be the next song that the edge band writes! talk about deep… thanks for ‘igniting’ my day before i ‘drive’ to work.
James Neely Says:
Lazaroo is a great thing. The site looks good. I’m enjoying these daily entries greatly. This morning’s was a hit between the eyes that I needed. Thanks for the jolt.
christy Says:
Thank you for this …. I have been looking for something to get me back on track with my daily readings. I want to grow stonger in my understanding of the Bible, so I appreciate any additional scripture given. Thanks for the work put into this and for your dedication
B J Says:
Great stuff! It’s the modern day “dial a prayer”. It has already helped me with my prayer life.
Kim Says:
Thank you for starting this. Not everyone knows how to start a relationship with God and sometimes advice you get can intimidate you when you feel like you are not doing as much as others. I appreciated the fact that you tried to get the “rest of us” to strengthen our daily bond.
John Tevault Says:
Thank you! for this new way to worship our LORD and saviour.
Jennifer Says:
Steve – thank you for your sermon on Sunday. It really made me understand that my relationship with God is ‘MY’ relationship. I would look at other people in church that would openly worship and really seemed moved by the Holy Spirit. I knew I could never be that way. Now I know it doesn’t matter. God knows what is in my heart and that is what I need to focus on; 60 seconds with God does make a difference.
Bill Wall Says:
Thanks everybody for the comments left! They are great to hold you strong when you feel most disconnected of all! I am going to the funeral of a young boy…and really needed [to be] connected…Lazaroo came through for me.
Kathy Says:
What a way to start the day!!!
Dave S Says:
Just what I needed to hear today.
Michelle Noble Says:
Pastor Steve ~ your sermon this weekend was right on target as always. As much as I hate to admit it, I sometimes have problems with staying focused when spending time with God, and yes, even finding the time on some days. Your suggestion on taking one minute to say the Lord’s Prayer was brilliant! Thank you for your ministry and for this new Lazaroo idea ~ love it!
Jody Smith Says:
Thank you for developing this idea, as I have always struggled to make the time to read the Bible each day. I do have a quiet time with God, but this allows me to take a part of scripture with me each day and kick off my one on one time with God.
Bonnie Dooley Says:
I am loving this devotional: it’s short, concise, and something to think about all day.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Steve Says:
Thank you, Bob!
Mar 05, 2009, 5:13 am