Lazaroo – Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2 comments, Nov 09, 2010

Seek God’s Big Picture understanding, while you pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud:

“…they occupied the land up to the edge of the desert that extends to the Euphrates River, because their livestock had increased in Gilead.”
(1 Chronicles 5:9)

Although I try not to, Jesus…

sometimes I experience a twinge of envy
when I see the amazing things You’re doing for others

and wonder, “Why don’t You do that for me?”

At such times I’m oblivious to the likelihood that at that very moment

somebody else is experiencing a twinge of envy
when they see the amazing things You’re doing for me

and wondering why You don’t do that for them.

I know.

When I measure my accomplishments by those of someone else
or compare myself to someone else 
I’m not wise.

We’re nothing –

only unworthy servants
through whom You are working
in ways beyond our understanding.


You’ve told me I’m indispensable.

That’s all I need to know.

1 Samuel 16:6-7; Proverbs 20:24; Isaiah 26:12; Isaiah 55:8-11; Mark 9:33-35; Luke 17:7-10; John 21:18-22; Acts 17:24-28; 1 Corinthians 3:3-7; 2 Corinthians 10:12; 1 Corinthians 12:22

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

2 responses so far.

  1. Steve Says:

    Hey, Rodrigo – I WANT you to be sure you’re indispensable! Read 1 Corinthians 12:22 and be strongly encouraged, my brother!