Lazaroo – Thursday, November 4, 2010

1 comment, Nov 04, 2010

Pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud, with over-the-top trust:

“Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…”
(Ephesians 1:13)

I believe in You, Jesus.

You’ve marked me.
You’ve sealed me.

But my Mark is like no other mark ever made.
My Seal is like no other seal ever known.

It’s you, Holy Spirit!

You’re my Counselor…
my Comforter.

You guide me into all truth
You teach me everything I need to know
You remind me of everything I need to remember.

When I need to act, You prompt me
When I need to decide, You show me
When I sin, You faithfully stab my conscience.

I’m ashamed to admit there have been times when I have ignored You.

May I never again cause You that grief!

You’re always with me
You’ve never left me
You never will.

You’re my best Friend
You’re closer than close to me…

You live in me.

Psalms 51:11; Ecclesiastes 4:1; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 63:10; Jeremiah 8:18; John 14:15-18; John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:7-15; Romans 2:29

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

One response so far.

  1. Jeff Says:

    This is among my most favorite passages of scripture in the N.T. What a joy to know that the God of my salvation has set me aside, marked me not for slaughter, but for life eternal ! And He loves me so much that He sent His Spirit to dwell within me all the days of my life, that I might be guided into all truth, if I will just listen to His prompting. Having experienced this, it is so hard for me to understand those who say there is no God. Oh Lord make me ever so sensitive to your Spirit !