Lazaroo – Thursday, July 9, 2009

7 comments, Jul 09, 2009

Open a vein and bleed the words of this Lazaroo aloud to God:

“Do not be like your forefathers…declares the LORD.”
(Zechariah 1:4)

I know I’m supposed to honor my father and mother.

You want me to honor my ancestors, too.

But with these words given through Your prophet, You make it clear You don’t want me to ignore their sins and mistakes.

You expect me to learn from them.

Not repeat them.

That’s easier said than done.

The examples they’ve set before me are powerful influences on my life.

Even the ones I hate

have a way of showing up in my behavior when I least expect it.

Rid me of their evil influence, Jesus!

Shatter their strongholds.

Break their power over me.

Rewire my DNA.

Do whatever You have to do to help me follow in the holy footsteps of my forefathers…

…and leave their missteps behind me in the dust.

Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16; Leviticus 19:32; Proverbs 22:28; Deuteronomy 32:7; Matthew 15:3-6; Amos 2:4-5; Joshua 24:14-15; Jeremiah 11:7-8; Acts 7:51-53; Hebrews 12:9-13

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

7 responses so far.

  1. Norm Carlson Says:

    Steve and Jeff:
    Thanks for the explanations. Much appreciated. Much clearer now.