Tag: 1on1

Lazaroo – Monday, February 6, 2012

1 comment, Feb 06, 2012


Pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud, in simple, childlike faith:

“Jews demand miraculous signs…”
(1 Corinthians 1:22)

So many people want proof, Jesus:

that the Bible is true
that miracles happen

that You exist.

Of course, the problem with miraculous signs

is that believers believe them
and skeptics don’t.

A stubborn doubter disbelieves everything –

even irrefutable proof stuck right under his nose.

Another problem with miraculous signs is that they depend on the wisdom of the person who demands them.

If I set up a foolish test

something clueless
out of sync

You won’t pass my test –

not because You can’t
but because You shouldn’t.

The other problem with miraculous signs

is that they’re totally unnecessary.

You already prove Yourself

every day
every moment.

All I have to do is open my eyes…

and there You are
stunning in Your majestic reality!

If I’m blind to the overwhelming proof all around me

the problem isn’t You.

It’s me.

Matthew 12:22-29; Matthew 13:53-58; Matthew 16:2-4; Matthew 18:2-4; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 16:27-31; John 5:36-40; John 9:40-41; John 12:17-19; John 14:11

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

One response so far.

  1. Marie Says:

    Amen ..