Tag: Bible

1,000th Lazaroo! – Friday, November 25, 2011

2 comments, Nov 25, 2011


Pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud, with fire-in-my-eyes determination:

“See, the LORD your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the LORD, the God of your fathers, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
(Deuteronomy 1:21)

You’ve given me so much, Jesus!

From the bottom of my heart:

Thank You.

Most of what You’ve given has become mine without any effort on my part:

my personality
the air I breathe
my gifts, talents, abilities
the traditions handed down to me
my country and its culture
most of my experiences

life itself.

But a handful of the things You’ve given me

have to be possessed.

They’re mine

for the taking.

You’ve promised to help me

but You’re not going to do it for me.

I can longingly view them from a distance, wishing…

or I can get up off my duff

and go get them.

Genesis 24:31; Exodus 14:15; 1 Samuel 1:8-11; 1 Samuel 12:18-23; Ezra 10:4; Psalms 42:5; Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40; Luke 22:45-46; Luke 24:48-32; James 2:18

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

2 responses so far.

  1. Marie Says:

    Congratulations, Lazaroo is certainly a treasury. Through them God teaches about Himself, and about “ourselves.”