Tag: God

Lazaroo – Saturday, July 31, 2010

1 comment, Jul 31, 2010

Pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud, with undying confidence:

“The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the oil fails.”
(Joel 1:10)

Sometimes that’s how it is, Jesus.

Everything goes wrong at once.

When that happens

You’ve done it –

to punish me
teach me

or both.

But in reality, that’s seldom what’s happening.

It only seems as though everything’s going wrong at once.

When I feel that way, it isn’t You.

It’s Satan

exaggerating the bad
hiding the good

attempting to overwhelm me
trying to get me to believe You’ve abandoned me.

But You haven’t.

Time and again – even in the midst of pain, stiff challenges, hard times

You’re blessing me in ways too numerous to count.

Satan doesn’t want me to notice them

because he knows how much hope it gives me

to witness Your great love for me

even in the midst of the storm.

Psalms 16:5-10; Psalms 73:21-26; Psalms 119:55-58; Lamentations 3:19-23; Acts 2:28; Malachi 3:6; 2 Corinthians 4:7-11; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Hebrews 12:1-13

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

One response so far.

  1. Al Says:

    This is one of the most important truths for us all to grab hold of! This is our god.