What do you call God today?


“To you I call, O LORD my Rock…”
Psalms 28:1

Did you ever think about the fact that the way you address someone can affect the course of the entire conversation? This is true even if you know the person extremely well.

When I telephone my wife during the day and begin it with, “Judith Gayle, we’ve got to talk,” you can pretty well count on this not turning out to be a lighthearted conversation.

When the first words out of my mouth, however, are, “Hi, Doll-Baby, Watcha Doin’?” she knows this is going to be one of those warm, cuddly check-ins she loves to receive when work tears us apart during the day.

I start our conversations in some even more interesting ways, but she won’t let me tell you what those are.

And so it is, in conversation with your dearest Friend in the whole wide world. Sometimes, when I’m desperate, I begin praying with a cryptic, “O My God!” At other times, I’m happy and mellow and start out with something like, “My Precious, Wonderful, Magnificent LORD!”

When I go to Him with a huge request, I’ve been known to open with, “Awesome God! Creator of the Universe! Omnipotent Majesty!” At other times, His triune nature is uppermost in my mind and I begin, “Father! Savior! Indweller!”

My point is, don’t allow the first words of your prayer to become routine. As with anything else you do daily, if you don’t take proper measures, you’re liable to fall into a rut. And if you’re doing it thoughtlessly, you ain’t prayin’.

By varying the very first words of your prayers according to what’s on your heart as you begin, you signal to your sleepy, preoccupied, or otherwise recalcitrant brain that this is different! This is vital! This prayer session is going to be unlike any other that has ever preceded it or will ever follow. Pay attention!

Great starts lead to great prayers.

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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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