Lazaroo – Monday, September 6, 2010

No comments, Sep 06, 2010

Pray the words of this Lazaroo aloud, in holy awe:

“Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the Tent of Meeting. And he reigned over Israel.”
(2 Chronicles 1:13)

I’ve got a question, Jesus:

Why in the world would You appear to Solomon


This was one of those detestable “high places” You told Israel to destroy.

Other nations had worshiped their idols there
shrine prostitutes often sold themselves nearby 
unthinkably, kings would sacrifice their own children in the fire.

Why in the world would You meet with Solomon

and offer him whatever He wanted


At first this seems puzzling –

even contradictory.

But on reflection, You’re giving me an amazing glimpse into who You are:

Even when I find myself in the wrong place!

when I drop to my knees before You with humility, gratitude and sincerity

You will shower me with more love

than I have ever known.

Genesis 32:10; Leviticus 26:30; Numbers 33:51-52; 1 Kings 3:2-5; 1 Kings 14:23-24; 1 Kings 15:14; 2 Kings 18:1-5; 2 Kings 21:3-7; 2 Chronicles 1:3-12; Job 40:3-5; Matthew 8:7-8; Luke 17:7-10; Acts 17:26

What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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