Take me deeper

Suppose…just suppose…that somewhere along the way in your daily Lazaroo journey you find rising up within you a growing desire to spend even more 1on1 time with Jesus…

What then?

Feed that desire.

It originates with Him.

It is He who is calling you, wooing you, drawing you into dazzling vistas of discovery and wonder that you cannot now even begin to imagine.

It is the holy calling and driving passion of my life to fan the flickering flame of your desire for 1on1 time with Jesus into a raging inferno.

Each week, I will offer you a new 1on1 tip, designed to equip and inspire you to take your 1-of-a-kind relationship with Jesus deeper…deeper…ever deeper.

I invite you to read it, listen to it, meditate on it…and let the Holy Spirit show you how He desires to use these Scriptural truths to break through every barrier to that oneness with Jesus both you and He so long to enjoy.

Especially during those inevitable times when you feel your commitment lagging, I hope you will return to this place of inspiration again and again.

LORD willing, in the weeks and months to come I will offer you additional insights, articles, tools and even books which God in His mercy will be pleased to transform into the wind of the Spirit beneath your wings.

Jesus is God

Why Pray Out Loud?

The Bible Timeline

Proverb of the Day

Bible Quiz



What is Lazaroo?

Take Me Deeper

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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